Climate and Energy Policy Analysis
This page displays public facing work on Climate and Energy Policy. To learn more about ESCA's policy-related research, please download the Research Summary on Energy and Climate Policy
Publications and Presentations
- Bistline et al. (2025). Impacts of EPA's finalized power plant greenhouse gas standards. Science (Vol. 387, 6730, pp. 140-143)
- Iyer et al. (2025). A multi-model study to inform the United States' 2035 NDC. Nature Communications, 16: 643. (coauthored by EPRI's John Bistline)
- Bistline, J., et al. (2024). Climate Policy Reform Options in 2025. National Bureau of Economic Research.
- Bistline, J., et al. (2023). Power sector impacts of the inflation reduction act of 2022. Environmental Research Letters, 19(1), 014013.
- Bistline, J., Mehrotra, N., & Wolfram, C. (2023). Economic implications of the climate provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act. National Bureau of Economic Research.
- Bistline, J., et al. (2023). Emissions and energy impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act. In Science (Vol. 380, Issue 6652, pp. 1324–1327). American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
- John Bistline (2021): “Metrics for Assessing the Economic Impacts of Power Sector Climate and Clean Electricity Policies.” (Progress in Energy)
- John Bistline, Maxwell Brown (NREL), Sauleh Siddiqui (American University), Kathleen Vaillancourt (Esmia Consultants) (2020): "Electric Sector Impacts of Renewable Policy Coordination: A Multi-Model Study of the North American Energy System" (Energy Policy)
- John Bistline, James Merrick, Victor Niemeyer (2020): "Estimating Power Sector Leakage Risks and Provincial Impacts of Canadian Carbon Pricing" (Environmental and Resource Economics)
- John Bistline, Nidhi Santen, David Young (2019): "The Economic Geography of Variable Renewable Energy and Impacts of Trade Formulation for Renewable Mandates" (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews)
- John Bistline, Elke Hodson (DOE), Charles Rossmann (Southern Company), Jared Creason (EPA), Brian Murray (Duke University), Alexander Barron (Smith College) (2018): "Electric Sector Policy, Technological Change, and U.S. Emissions Reductions Goals: Results from the EMF 32 Model Intercomparison Project" (Energy Economics)
- David Young, John Bistline (2018): "The Costs and Value of Renewable Portfolio Standards in Meeting Decarbonization Goals" (Energy Economics)
- John Bistline and Steve Rose (2018): “Social Cost of Carbon Pricing of Power Sector CO2: Accounting for Leakage and Other Social Implications from Subnational Policies.” (Environmental Research Letters)
EPRI Reports
- Geoff Blanford. 2025. Net-Zero 2050: Sensitivity Analysis and Updated Scenarios. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA.
- Steven Rose. 2024. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 2024 Climate Risk Disclosure Rule: Technical perspectives to inform potential future compliance, analyses, and dialogue. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. 3002031386
- Heidi Scarth and John Bistline. 2024. National Implications of Utility CO2 Targets: 2023 Update. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. 3002028700
- Romey James, Nicholas Pilot, and Anand Kumar, 2023. IRA Supply Chain and Workforce Analysis to Inform Technology Cost Assessments. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. # 3002027328
- Geoff Blanford and John Bistline, 2023. Impacts of IRA's 45V Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. # 3002028407
- John Bistline et al., 2023. EPRI Comments on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s “New Source Performance Standards for GHG Emissions from New and Reconstructed EGUs; Emission Guidelines for GHG Emissions from Existing EGUs; and Repeal of the Affordable Clean Energy Rule”, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. #3002027793
- John Bistline, 2023. Power Plant Performance Standards and Tax Credit Interactions: Impacts of Design Decisions and the Inflation Reduction Act on the U.S. Power Sector. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. #3002026291
- Steve Rose, 2023. EPRI Technical Public Comments on U.S. EPA's Draft New Social Costs of Carbon and Other Greenhouse Gases Estimation Methodology and Use of Estimates in EPA's Proposed Oil and Gas Methane Rule. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. #3002026256
- Steve Rose, 2023. EPRI Public Comments on U.S. EPA's Social Costs of Carbon and Other Greenhouse Gases Draft New Methodology Peer Review Process and Candidates. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. #3002026087
- EPRI, 2022. EPRI's Response to the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Request for Comment on Implementing the Inflation Reduction Act's Clean Energy Incentives. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. # 3002025923
- Steve Rose, 2023. EPRI Public Comments on EPA SC-GHG Draft Methodology and Application. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA.
- EPRI, 2022. EPRI ESCA and EDIG Perspective - Updated OMB Circulars
- EPRI, 2022. EPRI public comments on EPA's methodology peer review. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA.
- EPRI, 2022. EPRI Public Comments on Federal Acquisition Regulation ANOPR: Minimizing the Risk of Climate Change in Federal Acquisitions. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. # 3002023465.
- EPRI, 2021. EPRI public comments on the Biden Administration "interim" SC-GHG estimates and technical document. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA.
- EPRI, 2021. Overview of U.S. Government Estimates of the Social Cost of Carbon and Other Greenhouse Gases. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA.
- Nidhi Santen, 2021. Analyzing Federal Clean Energy Standards: Policy Design Choices and Future Electric Power Sector Outcomes, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. #3002020121
- Nidhi Santen and David Young, 2019. Electric Generation Investments Under Climate Policy Uncertainty, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. # 3002015555
- Nidhi Santen, David Young, and John Bistline Nidhi Santen, 2019. Cost-Effectively Achieving Carbon Goals in Minnesota: Renewable Standards vs. Technology-Neutral Policies — A scenario-based analysis of electric-sector impacts through 2050, EPRI Palo Alto, CA. # 3002015420